Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Interest Form - For those who would like to help JAMS PTG make 2022-2023 the best school year ever by volunteering their time, talents, or by making donations.
09/1/2022 Slice Factory Greeters. Greet JAMS families as they come in for dinner to support our fundraiser at the Slice Factory.
09/08/2022 JAMS Curriculum Night. Help us man the PTG table by handing out information to parents and students during Curriculum Night.
09/11/2022 Bolingbrook Pathways Parade. The JAMS PTG is in search of walkers for the Bolingbrook Pathways Parade on Sunday, September 11, 2022. Have fun meeting parents, teachers and staff and best of all, be the hero by handing out candy to the kids!
10/21/2022 JAMS Halloween Dance. It's back! After a two year COVID break, the highly anticipated Halloween Dance is rising from the dead. Help JAMS run a raffle, assist at the photo booth, act as a chaperone, or just be an extra set of hands at this popular event.